Toonopolis Residents Creations Rogues Anti-Rogues 8008 Anatta Anchihiiroo Angel Bikkhu Soohei Blaze Bob Bodhi Boreas Brad Henderson Bruce Stark Cal Ceph Chad Skinnyjeans Chichi Chris Smythe Chuck Colson Coat Rack Cyclops Darnell Hawtrey Doc Mouse Dockmaster Wharton Doorman Eugene Fluffybear G Gerald, the Pinball Wizard Gisei Hannah Hans von Deutsch Hawk Heinrich von Deutsch Internet Troll Janet Henderson Jimbob the Talking Eggplant Kangaroo-Duck Karen Smythe Keyboard Guy King Ochopatas Kunoichi Leothas Lex Wayne Stark Lilith Little Dipper Lord Benson Fearing Lord Liberty Macadamia Madame Rouge Maebure Marysue Mephistocrates the Hungerer Metallurgist Winthrop Michael Djin Mike daFone Minotaur Mirror Misanthrope Beechworth Miss Fire Mrs. Simmons Naito Nigel Pile Plucky McGee Poot Princess Polipo Professor Rabbit Rastamole Reginald Bjorn Rube Silverburg Schoolgirl Simon Beechworth Sir Goodypants Solo Sprocket The Candemon The Chucacabra The Green Monster The Shadowy Figure Touji Tsuyoi Ursidae Venus Violet Wan-Wan Wayne Northwood Weasel Yuki Z Zephyr Anchihiiroo Angel Madame Rouge Plucky McGee Sir Goodypants The Candemon Jimbob the Talking Eggplant Leothas Non-created Toonopolis Residents Originals Outsiders Gumthulu Henry Roy G. Biv Suzaku The Sun Chi Lin Ekard Neddor Footsies Gemini Jack Montana Mature Nivag Neddor Nniuq Neddor Saucha Serious Silly The Shadowy Figure Real World Earth Agent Mimic Carlos Hernandez Ekard Neddor Gemini Genghis Khan James Grenk Juan Hernandez Nivag Neddor Nniuq Neddor Viktor Kraft Ao Inhabitants Creations Chad the ferret Futa Kaiju Madame Rogue Nari Oiran unnamed pig cop 1 unnamed pig cop 2